Lets make Black Friday ‘Blackfish Friday’!

Lets make Black Friday ‘Blackfish

The Kickstarter project for our film
Voiceless is off to an awesome start thanks to all of you. We just
need to get this out there: YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME SAUCE.
So let’s keep this momentum going! The
film Blackfish shines a light on Tilikum and plight of captive
cetaceans. If you haven’t seen the film, be sure to check it out. Our
goal with Voiceless is to bring this vitally important information
about the archaic nature of captivity to OUR generation–in a format
that will be easy to share and available to everyone for free: a
YouTube campaign with the potential of going viral.
So this Friday, instead of freaking out
over last minute holiday shopping, what if we focused on giving
freedom– pushing for it harder than ever?
Give from your heart here, and above
all else, even if you can’t give right now, help us SHARE, share,
share–it’s a massive help:
and USE THE HASHTAGS. On Twitter,
Facebook, wherever you use hashtags. USE THEM. #BlackfishFriday
#VoicelessProject #BlueFreedom #GenerationBF
Love you guys!
